My site has a big white image over it

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pixmanlajunta / 11 Points
2012-08-03 11:25 pm EST
please look at There is a big white image or set of image blocking my content. The site was uploaded using iWeb.
Is this a hack? or what do I do to correct it?
No error messages, and it only seems to be happening with google chrome. It shows up fine in Safari now.
It blinks the correct site then jumps to have an image, really a big white shape that looks like a bunch of letters overlapped. I tried deleting and re-uploading the site including all pages and media. It still happens with chrome.

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17,314 Points
2012-08-04 2:11 am EST
Hello pixmanlajunta,

I took a close look at the site - in several browsers, including Chrome. I also reviewed it on my Macbook Pro running Lion. All of them showed the site running fine. I did test Chrome on my Mac as well. I was unable to replicate the issue. You may need to clear browser cache for Chrome.

Clear Browser Cache

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Arnel C.

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