Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

Asked by:
saroukh / 13 Points
2011-09-28 7:18 pm EST
Whenever I try to upload a joomla templage on webhostinghub, I get the following message: Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package. What should I do?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-09-28 7:59 pm EST
Hello saroukh,

Thank you for your question about uploading a Joomla template. The error indicates that the package is missing a required XML file.

Unexpected errors may also occur if Joomla is installed into a folder where other files already exist. For instance, if you at anytime published from the builder and then installed Joomla to the same folder (eg. public_html) the Joomla installation may not work correctly.

If there are other files and/or folders within the same folder Joomla is installed to, I would recommend removing Joomla (using Fantastico de Luxe for the removal if you installed it using Fantastico de Luxe), removing any other files, then re-installing Joomla through Fantastico de Luxe again.

I hope this information helps!

Thank you,

Christi N.

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