Featured Articles Not Appearing

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-03-02 1:55 pm EST
Hi there,

My Featured Articles are not displaying in a menu even though I've published the menu that includes them.
Prior to that I was trying to do a css overwrite as one of the css files has globally overwritten the <i> tag to display the fa-glass on all <i> tags. Not entirely sure if they're related and the Browser Console doesn't show any errors.

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12,339 Points
2017-03-03 12:58 am EST

Thank you for your question regarding featured articles not appearing. I always recommend enabling error reporting in Joomla when troubleshooting this type of issue. It is in the Global Configuration section of the "Server" tab.

While testing this, I recommend disabling your css overwrite. This will rule this out from interfering with the menu.

Check that you have followed the steps for Adding a Featured article in Joomla.

Also, check the specific theme you are using. For example, some themes have a separate section for setting "Featured Articles."

Thank you,

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