Greek characters appear as ??? in database

Asked by:
achotz / 8 Points
2011-09-09 5:03 pm EST
1. I have downloaded and installed the greek language pack,
2. set greek as default language (through Language Manager)

but I still can' t have greek characters...

I have read at a forum that perhaps I should "make collation of db with Phoca Changing Collation Tool."

Do you think this is the answer? And if yes, how can I do it?
Please, if you answer, keep in mind that I am coplete novice! :-)
Thank you in advance.

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591 Points
2011-09-09 5:56 pm EST
Hello achotz,

I'll be more then happy to help. You are using Joomla, is that correct? I did a search online and it does look like the Phoca Changing Collation Tool is a popular way to switch your databases over to a different language. I found a website that has the <a href='' target='_blank'>Phoca Changing Collation Tool</a> as well as instructions on how to use it, once you run the script hopefully that will fix the issues! If it doesn't please let us know.


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