Issue with sending mail SSL mac

Asked by:
KatieB / 5 Points
2012-12-03 9:04 pm EST
Mac Mail

I have configured Mac Mail (Lion SSL) on my computer, by clicking on the link that automatically set up mac mail for Lion SSL.

It can receive mail perfectly to the account, but cannot send mail. I get an error message saying that it cannot send the message using the secure server. I have checked the properties of the mailbox and they appear to match the properties in the manual setup details in the email configuration settings on the cP. The port (IMAP) is 993.

When I run the connection doctor, the SMTP server says connection to server succeeded; login not required.

Could someone please help me resolve this issue?


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2,132 Points
2012-12-03 9:41 pm EST
Thank you for your question KatieB!

Usually this happens because Mac mail is set to use the default ports.

1. Mail > Preferences
2. Select Accounts then select your account (if you have more than one account)
3. On the Outgoing SMTP Server (SMTP) drop box, select Edit SMTP server list.
4. Select your SMTP server and click Advanced
5. Select Use custom port. Enter 465 for SSL connections or 587 for Non SSL.
6. Check Use Secure sockets layer (SSL) if you are using SSL.
7. Click OK and restart your Mac mail program.

This should fix the sending error in your Mac mail.

Best regards
James R

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2,132 Points
2012-12-03 10:07 pm EST
Thank you for your question KatieB!

Usually this happens because Mac mail is set to use the default ports.

1. Mail > Preferences
2. Click Accounts then click your account (if you have more than one account)
3. On the Outgoing SMTP Server (SMTP) drop box, select Edit SMTP server list.
4. Click your SMTP server and click Advanced
5. Click Use custom port. Enter 465 for SSL connections or 587 for Non SSL.
6. Click Use Secure sockets layer (SSL) if you are using SSL.
7. Click OK and restart your Mac mail program.

This should fix the sending error in your Mac mail.

Best regards
James R

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