remove new message email "to" list

Asked by:
Goatfoot / 8 Points
2012-07-12 9:57 pm EST
Mailing Lists
How do I remove email addresses in the "TO" list? There are some addresses that are misspelled and I would like to remove them. Thanks in advance.

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17,314 Points
2012-07-12 10:56 pm EST
Hello Goatfoot,

Thanks for contacting us! In regards to your question, it's very general, because not all email clients (the programs used to view, compose and manage your emails) handle this issue. If you are using the webmail programs provided by Web Hosting Hub (Horde, Roundcube, Squirrelmail), these settings are kept in cache with the web Browser and cannot be edited. If the names are being saved at all, then you should be able to view the ADDRESS BOOK and then edit the addresses there.

If you're working with dedicated programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird, you may need to look around in the program for something that Thunderbird calls Collected Addresses. You can edit or delete the email addresses by going to that address option in Thunderbird. I apologize, but I do not have access to Outlook to verify, but according to the article I found in Microsoft Office's support pages, it appears that you can delete stored email addresses from the drop-down box - they didn't offer an option of editing them. Here's the article found in regards to Microsoft: MS Outlook 2002/2003 - Delete Stored Email addresses

If you are still having issues with this and you require further assistance, please provide some further information. I'm just guessing here because I do not know what you're using. Please provide the email program and version and I can try to find you more exact info.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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