How can I feather or soften the edges of an inserted photo in MS Publisher?

Asked by:
dachjewels / 5 Points
2013-01-16 10:30 pm EST
Microsoft Publisher
I am creating a collage for a customer and am using MS Publisher. I have previously used Broderbunds Print Shop. I have been unable to find a tool in publisher that will allow me to soften the edges of a photograph.

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12,339 Points
2013-01-17 12:35 am EST
Hello dachjewels,

Thank you for your question. I looked into this with ms publisher and did not see any options for performing this type of photo modification.

I recommend using a photo editing software, such as Photoshop, or Gimp. Gimp is free, and adobe released an older version of Photoshop (CS2) for free as well. These are definitely capable of this type of image adjustment.

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