Can I upgrade Moodle

Asked by:
lambda / 10 Points
2012-03-11 3:22 pm EST
Looking at Moodle support, documentation says:
System requirements

PHP must be 5.3.2 or later
Required PHP extensions: iconv, curl, ctype, zip, simplexml, spl, pcre, dom, xml, json
Required PHP memory_limit at least 40MB (64MB or more recommended if you have a choice)
Databases should be one of the following:
MySQL 5.0.25 or later (InnoDB storage engine highly recommended)
PostgreSQL 8.3 or later
Oracle 10.2 or later
MS SQL 2005 or later
Any standards-supporting browser from the past few years, for example:
Firefox 3 or later
Safari 3 or later
Google Chrome 4 or later
Opera 9 or later
MS Internet Explorer 7 or later
Note: The above system requirements are unchanged from Moodle 2.1.

When I log into my Moodle site, I am getting a message of:
Your Moodle files have been changed, and you are about to automatically upgrade your server to this version:

2.2.1 (Build: 20120109) (2011120501)

Once you do this you can not go back again.

Please note that this process can take a long time.

Are you sure you want to upgrade this server to this version?

Please advise me if it is OK to proceed. I can not afford to be without Moodle any more.


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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-12 4:22 pm EST
Hello lambda,

Thank you for your questions about upgrading your Moodle site. Before performing any upgrade, it's always best practice to first make a backup of your site before proceeding with your upgrade. This way, if something does not go as expected, you still have a good, working copy of your site you can restore.

I checked into the server requirements listed for your upgrade and all the server requirements check out. You can verify these through a php info file in your account.

Please let us know if you have any additional question or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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