ghostscript for pdf submissions

Asked by:
George99 / 27 Points
2013-02-03 2:54 pm EST
I am using moodle 2.4, and I would like to use a plugin called pdfsubmission which basically allows students to submit assignment via pdfs. Teachers can then mark and grade these directyly on the pdf using this plugin.
However, there is a problem. To use this plugin, it says that my server needs to have a program called "ghostscript" installed on the server. How can I do this? Can anybody help?

Thanks a lot,

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17,314 Points
2013-02-04 7:40 pm EST

Thanks for contacting us! I reviewed your Ghostscript but as there are a variety of different versions of it, please specify the exact version you wish to install. In order to request the installation of this module, you will need to submit an email request to our live support team. The request will need to be reviewed by Systems (this will be automatically escalated to systems via your email). Please email and make sure to include your verfication information: the last 4 digits of the credit card on the acount, or the AMP password.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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