I want to change the php.ini file in Apache and I have no clue how to do it

Asked by:
proflo7 / 30 Points
2013-01-03 8:54 pm EST
<p>using moodle to build college department network of courses. I need to change the max file size and max upload file in php.ini and I read that I should do that using apache. How do I do that?</p>

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17,314 Points
2013-01-03 9:09 pm EST
Hello Proflo7,

The php.ini file is actually a local file that you can edit through your cpanel. Checkout this article for information on making changes to it:

Update PHP Settings

I did double-check and you do have a local PHP.INI file in your PUBLIC_HTML folder. You can find it by going into your Cpanel, selecting File Manager (show hidden files), and then right-click or select the file and select EDIT (or CODE EDIT) in the menu in order to edit the file. Simply search for the settings and you can change it immediately.

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Arnel C.

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