Can't access Control Panel

Asked by:
PhillipMFeldman / 28 Points
2013-04-19 1:36 am EST
New Customers
When I click on the "Work in Your Control Panel" link, I get an error message: "Could not connect to remove server"

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17,314 Points
2013-04-19 2:20 am EST
Hello PhillipMFeldman,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with the link. The systems team will need to look into the issue of why the link is not working. However, I will suggest two things to try first - one of them definitely works to get you to cPanel. First, clear your browser cache - it's possible that your browser has an old version of the cpanel link saved in its memory. Here's the article for clearing your browser cache:

How to clear your browser cache

After the cache is cleared, try going back the link and trying again.

Second, if the above does not work, then go to your browser and type in your domain name followed by "/cpanel". It will look like this:


Make sure you do that in the address bar of your browser. If you're not sure where that is, hold down your CTRL key on your keyboard then while holding down the CTRL key click on the letter 'L'. This will highlight the current link in the address bar, you can start typing to add the link. Hit ENTER after you type it, and you'll see the login window. The login information is slightly different from AMP -so make sure you're using the cPanel user name that you see in AMP link for logging into cPanel. (If you're on a Mac, replace the CTRL key with the command key).

I hope this helps to fix the issue. If you're still having problems you can reply to this post, or you can contact live support available 24/7.


Arnel C.
Community Support

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