How can I remove an old home page in wordpress?

Asked by:
LionDan / 23 Points
2012-05-29 6:10 pm EST
New Customers
I moved wordpress from a subfolder to the public_http folder but now there are 2 home pages visible on the web bur the one I don't want isn't showing on wordpress.

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17,314 Points
2012-05-30 1:14 am EST
Hello LionDan,

I'm not sure why the previous answer to this question is no longer appearing, but I'll re-summarize what I was saying before. It appears that you're referring to "2 home pages" that are appearing in a SEARCH ENGINE - like Google. We do not directly control what Google displays. However, as the WEBMASTER of your site you can update what Google displays by going to Webmaster Tools in Google. Please go to Google or other Search Engine and search for Webmaster Tools. This will allow you to request that their search pages be updated. Note that what you're seeing are called "cached pages". Again, this is not something that we can control. Please contact the search engine to correct or update the pages being displayed.

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