How can I see my website before it goes public?

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JakiikaJ / 16 Points
2012-03-14 7:30 pm EST
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Timothy S.
741 Points
2012-03-14 7:47 pm EST
Hi JakiikaJ,

Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you today. I've looked over your account, and it looks like you published your website html files in a folder called /html. To see your website you can visit

You'll need to replace the with your actual domain name. Keep in mind, that if you want your website to go live, you need to make sure the index.html page is one folder up. You will need to publish the website to the public_html folder and not a subfolder like the html one where your files currently reside.

I hope this helps! If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us. If you need help publishing to the public_html directory be sure to let us know what software you are using to design and publish your website.


Tim S

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