How do I install Wordpress into the www subdomain?

Asked by:
cdahlgren / 8 Points
2012-02-15 3:03 am EST
New Customers
I installed Wordpress into my domain (, but wanted it to be served from the www subdomain ( I attempted to install to the www directory, but that just created another directory in the root. What's the proper method?

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13,688 Points
2012-02-15 5:14 pm EST
Hello cdahlgren,

Thank you for your question regarding serving WordPress from the www subdomain. The www directory you see in File Manager is a symbolic link to the public_html directory. It simply mirrors what you see in the public_html directory. WordPress by default automatically rewrites the site URL to either www or without www, whichever you prefer. You can control this through the Site URL setting in the WordPress dashboard.

  1. Begin by installing WordPress as you normally would (Fantastico makes this very easy).

  2. Next, log into your WordPress dashboard.

  3. Navigate to Settings > General and locate the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields (they're near the top of the page).

  4. Type in your full URL, including www (e.g. into each of these fields.

This will set the WordPress Site URL to include www.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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