I cannot create my ftp account

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2013-10-22 7:23 am EST
New Customers
Dear sir,
Why I cannot create my ftp account in control pannel? I do confirm that my operation is right.When I add ftp account, the system shows that I have created it successfully, but in fact it's not listed in the following ftp accounts table,and meanwhile I cannot use it to login in the hosting by FTP software.

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2,342 Points
2013-10-22 3:16 pm EST
I have taken a look at your account and I am showing an FTP account here that was created by you. Are you still unable to see any FTP accounts listed? It sounds like you have an issue within your browser that is causing the FTP accounts to not display properly. I recommend clearing any browser data or trying another browser if you are still unable to see it.

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