I published my website, but...

Asked by:
macgoodwin / 10 Points
2012-09-01 7:35 pm EST
New Customers
I published my IWEB site, but I keep getting this error message
Not Found

The requested URL /~sloven8/2012_Slovenia_Wine_Tour was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


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16,266 Points
2012-09-04 3:51 pm EST
Hello macgoodwin,

I cannot seem to duplicate the error on your site. I tested the top menu as well as the tour links at the bottom. They all seemed fine.

In any case, the issue would be that the folder /~sloven8/2012_Slovenia_Wine_Tour is not under the root directory of the site. It would need to be under the public_html directory.

It does seem you have the site working, but in case you have any more issues with the site, simply leave a comment below with the instructions on duplicating the error and I will be happy to take a look!

Best Regards,
Scott M

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