Moving Concrete5 not working

Asked by:
dgconcrete / 32 Points
2013-01-22 1:56 am EST
New Customers
Initially I got errors when trying to load the homepage -- figured out that I moved the cache file -- after I deleted the files from Cache finally got the home page to appear. Still having problems with the subpages not appearing. I have enabled pretty urls but my links are still not working??

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12,339 Points
2013-01-22 2:31 am EST
Hello dgconcrete,

Thank you for your question. I checked your website, and saw the errors at first, but when I refreshed the page, the site changed and the errors were gone.

We are happy to help, but since you appear to be modifying the code of the site, I don't want to investigate any further.

When you have completed your troubleshooting, please let us know if you are still experiencing problems.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below, or contact live Tech Support.

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Thank you,


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