Moving site to Web Hosting Hub and password protecting parts of site

Asked by:
sdelira / 5 Points
2012-03-02 10:00 am EST
New Customers
I didn't see any templates that were suitable for my website on Web Hosting Hub, so I decided to have someone create one for me. Before I begin, I wanted to know what the steps were for the process of putting a brand new website (versus moving an established website) to Web Hosting Hub. I would also like to have a section of the site password protected, is there anything I would need to tell the person who is creating the site regarding placement of files and directories?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-02 7:26 pm EST
Hello sdelira,

Thank you for your questions regarding creating a new website and protecting directories.

The steps to create the new website will depend on how your designer is creating the site. For instance, will they be using a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal? If so, you or your designer will want to check Fantastico De Luxe to see if your preferred CMS is available for easy installation in Fantastico De Luxe.

If your designer will be either hand coding your site or using design software like Dreamweaver, most site design programs include built-in FTP publishing.

You can use the Quick Links within AMP to email technical information (including FTP information) to your designer:
  1. Log into AMP

  2. Under Quick Links click the "Get started on website" link

  3. Next, click on "Create a new Website" link

  4. Then, click on "Someone is building my site for me."

  5. On the next page, click the link for "Email Info to that person."

  6. In the new page that opens, input your deisgner's email address and click the submit button.

You will then need to provide your designer with the cPanel password (which will also be the FTP password). If your cPanel password is currently the same as your AMP password, we recommend that you change the cPanel password to something else before giving that information to the designer.

Password protected directories can be set up through cPanel. You can provide your designer with the link to our article on How to Password Protect a Directory for instructions on doing that.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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