new account, webhostinghub ftp not accepting my passwd

Asked by:
stereo / 5 Points
2012-07-01 12:58 am EST
New Customers
I just opened a account so I can move my personal domain website from mobileme to webhostinghub.

I am doing the ftp upload from a local folder on my computer, using iWeb. When I test the ftp connection in iWeb, webhostinghub says I have an incorrect password. I am copying and pasting the password from my password program where I made the password, so it should be correct. It works for logging in to my account here.


I figured out the cPanel password deal, filled out reg info for cPanel with same password as used for my regular account, and a different username.

Now I am using a demo copy of the Mac utility Fetch. I still get a "password not recognized" message, using my one and only password (which gets me into my account just fine) and either my email address, my cPanel username, or the username that is a truncated version of my domain name. None work.

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16,266 Points
2012-07-02 5:10 pm EST
Hello stereo,

I see that the support team has also given you the advice to use the cpanel username and password as the login. You can also use the FTP account you have created along with that password. The vast majority of password errors are just using the wrong username/password combo.

I can check your specific username/password combinations if you like. You can send the specific information to (cpanel user/pass and FTPuser/pass.)

Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password. As we do not actively monitor that address, be sure to leave a comment below so we know the information was sent.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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