
Asked by:
Hospitality / 5 Points
2012-07-16 6:45 am EST
New Customers
premium web site builder isn't working at all

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16,266 Points
2012-07-16 4:38 pm EST
Hello Hospitality,

Are you having trouble logging into the builder tool? Or are you having issues with it once you logged in?

If it is after you log in, please provide a list of steps to get to the problem you are having and the nature of the problem.

If it is due to logging in after installing it, our Tier 2 can check to see if it needs a slight adjustment to recognize your hosting account. To do so, you would need to contact our support department (open 24/7) with that request. Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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