Trouble switching to WordPress, can I reset my account?

Asked by:
justcallmejohn / 8 Points
2012-02-28 9:23 pm EST
New Customers
I have somehow managed to totally screw up my website. I deleted all my files in attempting to switch to Wordpress. Can everything be reset (with the exception of my Web address) so that I can begin the process from square one? Thank you!

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-28 9:58 pm EST
Hello John,

I'm sorry you had trouble switching to WordPress. We have reset your account to the the default files and folders and you can begin re-installing any software you wish to use now. Please keep in mind, that anything you install through Fantastico De Luxe should also be removed through Fantastico, if you decide you no longer wish to use it. This way, the files and databases are properly removed and your Fantastico data file is kept up to date.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional assistance.


Christi N.

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