How do I automatically deliver an eBook via email after the customer paid with PayPal?

Asked by:
baseba11 / 16 Points
2011-08-29 10:05 pm EST
Hello. I am trying to sell an ebook online from my website. Everything is set up to checkout on PayPal. I wanted this ebook to be automatically sent to the customer upon successful checkout of PayPal. How would I set this up? Is this something PayPal does or do I need to incorporate this step from my website once PayPal receives payment. I'm stumped. Thank you

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


591 Points
2011-08-29 10:36 pm EST

I'll be happy to assist you! You can set up in the Merchant Services section of PayPal to direct your customer to a page after they purchase, but not automatically send them an email with the eBook.

To have an email sent automatically, you will need to use a script. There are some programs designed to help with this step, such as Tradebit at (Note that I have not used that site but it was one recommended on a few reviews I read), which will simplify the process. I guess the quick answer to your question is that it is possible, but not through Paypal to automatically send the email to the customer. If you have any other questions just let us know!

- Kevin

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