can the color of bullets be changed?

Asked by:
christinev / 10 Points
2012-04-04 5:39 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
I have several bulleted lists on my pages. I want the bullets to be the same color as the text. They will not change when highlighted, but stay the color as the template text.

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13,688 Points
2012-04-04 6:20 pm EST
Hello christinev,

Thank you for your question about matching your bullet colors to your font color in the Premium Website Builder. Unfortunately, the builder seems to apply a different style to the font than it does to the bullets. There is a work around that should resolve this for you which involves using the Script module in Step 4 (Edit) in the builder. This will allow you to insert HTML and inline CSS which will control the color of both the bullets and the font. In your question yesterday, you asked about changing the font color on your page to black, so my example below will change the bullet and font color to black. If you want to use a different color, simply change that color (using either one of the defined color names in CSS or the hexadecimal color code).

Once you have inserted the Script module (drag and drop) on your page where you want the list to appear, click on the Properties link on the script module and replace the placeholder text with the following:

<ul style="color:black">

Please note, because the code is inserted in the script module, the list will not show up in the preview in the builder. Once you have published your site from the builder, you will be able to view the output on your live site.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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