Easy way to integrate Paypal

Asked by:
susanl / 21 Points
2011-08-31 4:37 am EST
Premium Website Builder

My site www.susanlynchstudiogalleria.com has been published several times. Please look at it and see if you can tell what the problem is. I changed the email address tonight to another one on the Paypal account and published it again. When I checked it, it still does not do anything after you fill in the address page, payment method shipping and then when you click continue it stops doing anything. Thanks

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591 Points
2011-08-31 2:24 pm EST
Hello Susan,

I'll be happy to help. I made a test order in your account, and I did see that the "Continue" button was not able to be clicked. The reason that it couldn't be clicked, is that there was a little check box on the left side of the screen that since there was no text, you and your customers probably would not have noticed. This check box is a "Terms of Service" check box, and if it is not clicked then the order can not be processed.

The Terms of Service information can be found in your Premium Web Builder eShop, under the Notifications tab. To test it out, I have put in some example text with just "Terms of Service" as your Terms of Service. By the check box I have put "Please click here to accept our Terms of Service". I was then able to click the continue button to reach your PayPal account. Of course if you don't have a Terms of Service, you can put for example your refund information in the text box in the Notifications tab and have the check box say "Click here to confirm your order" or something similar. That way your customers will know they need to check the box in order to continue with their order. If you have any additional questions, please let us know!

- Kevin

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