Facebook Like button not showing properly

Asked by:
StephJ / 8 Points
2012-06-22 11:25 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
<p>After following directions here for adding a facebook Like button to my site, the Like button is not showing, but an image of my profile picture shows instead.</p>

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16,266 Points
2012-06-25 3:45 pm EST
Hello StephJ,

I was not able to duplicate the behavior when testing on my own. The code displayed the like button correctly. The Premium Web Builder can only show whatever the facebook code tells it to, however. I do see an option to turn off the profile faces in the facebook code generator. This may be affecting the size and display of the button code, which should be 450 width by 80 height. It is possible that the like button is being pushed out of the iframe. Without testing specifically, that is only a guess.

I can certainly take a look at the exact code in your builder, but would need the specific account information to do so (builder password) If you would like me to take a look at that for you, simply email that information to me at docs@webhostinghub.com. As we do not actively monitor that address, be sure to leave a comment below so we know the information was sent.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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