How do I delete my old website and upload a new one with NVU?

Asked by:
Johnnie / 30 Points
2011-11-14 9:15 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
I want to delete my website I was building with premium website builder and upload one I am building with NVU. I uplaoded the index page because I thought it would overwrite the files but it put it outside of the public_html folder. Do I have to specify that folder when uploading? Maybe in the publishing address? Please help!
Thank you.

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13,688 Points
2011-11-14 9:45 pm EST
Hi Johnnie,

Thank you for your question regarding publishing with NVU. I looked into this and according to their website, NVU has built-in FTP.

To remove unwanted files from your account, you can use either the File Manager within cPanel or an FTP program. Looking at your account's document root (public_html) I would recommend removing the index.php page and the page##.php(numbers 1-14) pages as well.

Here are instructions for setting up publishing in NVU:

In your top menu in NVU, click on Edit and select Publishing Site Settings. This will bring up a window with fields you will need to fill in for FTP publishing:

Site Name: Site name for your reference, doesn't affect publishing to the server
HTTP address of your homepage: Your website's URL Make sure you include the http:// before your domain name and put in your actual domain name.
Publishing Address: (once again, be sure to replace with your actual domain name)
User name: cPanel username
Password: cPanel password

If you aren't sure of your cPanel username, you can find that in your Technical Details in AMP (Account Management Panel). If you have any trouble with your cPanel password, you can also reset the cPanel password in AMP as well.

I hope this helps you with publishing your new site. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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