How do I increase the template height in the Premium Website Builder?

Asked by:
ShoeFitters / 5 Points
2011-12-28 10:36 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
On a few pages (Image gallery & guest book) the content overlaps the bottom part of the template. Why does the template not automatically resize and how can I do it manually?
(Premium Website Builder template ID:av-233 Category:Photogallery)
There is not much content on the pages yet, the image gallery only has the default 3 images that we did not edit yet, but they are already overlapping the bottom part of the template.
We did not publish any parts of our website yet, we'd like to get this fixed first.
Please help.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-12-29 2:32 am EST
Hello ShoeFitters,

Thank you for the update. I'm sorry you're having trouble with this template in the builder. I was able to recreate the issue and I've submitted a ticket on your behalf to our Systems Team to research this further.

Fortunately, this issue is isolated to that template and by choosing a different template, you shouldn't have any issue with the content overflow.

Finally, if you do not wish to try a different template, there is a work around. After publishing, using the cPanel File Manager you can edit the style sheet (css/styles.css). Look for this block of code:

height: 388px;
margin-left: 270px;

Remove the line:

height: 388px;

Save your changes and close the styles.css file.

Please be aware that this edit will need to be done any time you publish from the builder.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.


Christi N.

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13,688 Points
2011-12-28 11:21 pm EST
Hello ShoeFitters,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with your site. It sounds like you may be using the Premium Website Builder to create your site. If this is correct, normally the template resizes, but it might depend on the template.

Can you please tell us what template you are using and approximately how much content you have on each of the pages where you are seeing the issue (e.g. number of images on the page in image gallery, entries for the guest book)?

We look forward to hearing back from you so we can look into this further.


Christi N.

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