How do you edit Scripts in the Builder?

Asked by:
aaronh / 13 Points
2011-10-26 10:04 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
I am dragging modules into pages but am unable to edit the customization of these modules... what am I missing? Do I need to load something to work with modules on my pages?

I figured it out from the help guide... I was trying to edit the text on the page layout instead of clicking on PROPERTIES first.

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13,688 Points
2011-10-26 10:17 pm EST
Hello again AaronH,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with the script module in the Premium Website Builder. From your comments on the previous question it looks like you're having trouble inserting your script into the module. I'm happy to help with that.

Once you have the module on the page (it may take a few moments to update after pulling the module onto the page) in the upper right of bar at the top of the module you should see a Properties link. Click on the Properties link and this will bring up a dialog box where you can replace the "" text with your script. Click OK to close the window after you've added your script.

Please keep in mind that scripts will not function in the preview within the builder. You will want to publish your site and view your live site to see your script in action.

Let us know if you need any additional assistance. We're always happy to help!


Christi N.

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