Is there any way to use premium website builder on an ipad

Asked by:
Renovatio / 10 Points
2012-08-31 12:22 am EST
Premium Website Builder

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17,314 Points
2012-08-31 12:33 am EST
Hello Renovatio,

You can most likely use the Builder in a different Browser such as Opera or Firefox on the iPad, but some functionality - such as anything use Flash- will not be available on the iPad. It's not really recommended, but it should operate. I have used the Builder on my Macbook Pro running Lion, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to see it running on the iPad. We do recommend using a computer using Firefox for the browser where possible. The Premium Web Builder from Plesk was initially built to use with Internet Explorer for optimal use.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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