Unable to publish my pages in my web builder.

Asked by:
Echori / 32 Points
2012-11-22 3:06 am EST
Premium Website Builder
I've always update and publish my pages in my builder, but for some reason today I can't. Message reads "Cannot copy the site files to the specified site location. It is possible that you do not have enough permissions for writing, or there is not enough free disk space on the server".

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17,314 Points
2012-11-22 4:08 am EST
Hello Echori,

It's possible that the server is in a non-writeable state (which would be temporary). However, the best way to determine what's happening is call into live support. We would need your login information to determine what's happening. They can do it privately over the phone, chat, or email. If there are issues with the server that pertains to the user, then you will need to bring this to the attention of our systems staff - and again, this would be done through live support. Please contact them, provide verification of your account (last 4 digits of credit card or Account Management Panel (AMP) password) and they will be able to help you while maintaining the anonymity of your account (everything online is seen over the web).

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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