Why am I not seeing anything when I get to the edit screen in Premium Website Builder?

Asked by:
rschotz / 5 Points
2013-06-22 10:57 pm EST
Premium Website Builder
I have gone through the first 3 steps but when I get to step 4 (edit) all that is on the screen is "Type the content of your page here".
There is no tool bar for editing either.

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When I click on the preview button I can see the template I selected.
5 Points
2013-06-22 10:59 pm EST



12,339 Points
2013-06-24 4:37 pm EST
Hello rschotz,

Thank you for your question. The latest version of Internet Explorer (IE10) has troubling displaying the edit window, it will work in compatibility mode. There is also a small Down arrow next to Hide Sitemap, that can hide the toolbar.

I tested the Edit window in Firefox, and Chrome also and it works successfully.

If you can provide more information, such as the specific version of your browser, and your Operating System, I can try and replicate the issue.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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