How to configure image slider on home page in PrestaShop

Asked by:
ari1234 / 43 Points
2013-10-16 12:28 am EST
Prestashop 15 Tutorials
Hello,I have difficulty removing the sample pic on the middle of my website while clicking on each pic it will direct you to prestashop website and i do not know how to fix it
best regards

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17,314 Points
2013-10-16 12:45 am EST
Hello Ari123,

Thanks for the question!

The picture in the middle of your website is configured by a module in PrestaShop called the ImageSlider. You can get to it by doing the following:

  1. Login to the PrestaShop Administrator

  2. Go to the Menu Bar, hover over Modules and then click on MODULES.

  3. On the lefthand side where it says CATEGORIES, click on FRONT OFFICE FEATURES

  4. Next scroll down and look for Image slider for your homepage. Click on it when you find it in the list

  5. You will see CONFIGURATION under the module - click on this link

  6. You can configure the dimensions of the graphic slider here. If you scroll down, you can edit EACH of the sliding elements of the middle graphic - this includes changing the URL and also the graphic itself.

I hope that helps! Let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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thank you very much that helped alot only one thing now if you click on that pic you stay on the same front page , for example i put an overcoat on there and i want if some one click on that redirect them on clothing section or if its an electronic direct the costumer to electronic ,
thank you very much
43 Points

2013-10-16 4:39 am EST
Hello Ari234,

Glad that helped! As for the link of the pic IN the slider. As per step 6, you need to configure the individual slider pic. Scroll down to the slides configuration, then clik on the EDIT icon. Each category or product page in your store has a unique URL. Simply replace the URL with the one that you want people to be re-directed.

I hope that clarifies the issue! Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-10-16 7:09 pm EST
thank you very much I appreciate your time ,now that you are being so help full i would like to ask you how can I add more pages on my store front page feature product I want to put as many as product on there
I really appreciate
43 Points

2013-10-16 8:32 pm EST
Hello Ari1234,

If you are working with Featured Products, it is again a module that you can configure. Check out these two tutorials:

Managing Featured products display
Adding and removing featured products in PrestaShop

If you configure the module, you'll see how to add products there.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-10-16 8:53 pm EST
thanks for your quick response actually i did adjust the number of my feature product to 16 but ,I was wondering if all that 16 is completed what will happen ,?is it possible i have like 4 or 5 pages including 16 feature product so the user can go through the pages in my front page or that is only possible through my category option?
best regards
43 Points

2013-10-16 11:07 pm EST
Hi Ari1234,

You simply need to play with the interface. We unfortunately did not write the software, so we can't give you a description of every type of scenario presented by its users. Prestashop can use multiple themes. In this case it's using the default theme so you can't really have multiple front pages. There's only ONE fronpage. The featured product section will simply expand as you add more products.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-10-16 11:44 pm EST
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