Adding HTML to your PrestaShop homepage

Asked by:
MTPockets / 54 Points
2013-08-30 2:29 pm EST
I want to add some clickable images to external sites on my home page.

How do I add a clickable image to my home page in Prestashop. I have been through all the files in the public folder and can't seem to find the actual index.php file. There are several files marked index.php but all seem to be a sort of disclaimer from prestashop.

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1,846 Points
2013-08-30 4:00 pm EST
Hi MTPockets,

If you want to add clickable images to your PrestaShop homepage, you'll first need to find out how to add custom html to your PrestaShop homepage. If you could figure out how to add custom html, this would allow you to add all sorts of things in addition to adding images, such as youtube videos or possibly Facebook like buttons.

I looked through the PrestaShop dashboard, and found a module you can install (it's easy to do) called Home text editor. This module will allow you to add custom HTML to your PrestaShop homepage.

To install the Home Text Editor

  1. Login to your PrestaShop Dashboard
  2. Hover over Modules and click Modules
  3. Find the Home text editor and click the install button to the right of it
  4. After it is installed, click Configure
  5. Enter the text you want displayed on your homepage, and then click Save

That worked, and it was simple to do in my testing. It uses a WYSIWYG editor, so if you don't know how to use HTML to add images and links, the editor will help.

In my testing, the text I added to the homepage showed up at the bottom of the homepage, after my Featured Products. To change where this is located on your homepage:

To change the position of your custom code on your homepage:

  1. While still in your PrestaShop Dashboard, in the top menu hover over Modules and click Positions

  2. Find Home text editor on the page. It will be listed twice, at least for me it was. Make sure the one you're looking at is under the Homepage content section.

  3. Once you found the module listed on the page, you'll see arrows to the left. Simply click the up arrow to move it up, and the down arrow to move it down. I moved the Home text editor to the top of the list, and now it shows on my homepage above both the slider and the feature products section.

I hope this helps!

- Brad

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