How To Expand Upload Limit For Virtual Products In Prestashop

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-09-19 7:05 pm EST
Error Message Received When Tried To Download : The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (2MB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (2MB).

Have Change The Limit On UPLOADER.PHP And PHP.ini. Please Help

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16,266 Points
2016-09-19 7:24 pm EST

Thank you for your question on increasing the max file upload size for your PrestaShop. You can change the settings in your php.ini file via the cPanel File Manager.

Look for the max_file_upload setting and increase it as needed.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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It;s not diffiuclt.

If you CANNOT edit php.ini or htacces I've this tips: You must acces Direct Admin Account. Make 3 browser tabs

1 First open your product (vritual product) in a browswer tab
2 Open you Direct admin in antoher tab of your browser
3 Open you preferences in PRestashop backoffice, by the upload size settings.

Al those Three tabs must open.

Go to your first tab first Ad your uppload virtual product (BUT NOT SAVE)
Go to Direct admin, and settings set on php module version: NATIVE and SAVE
Go to third tab and change te prestahop backend upload size to 600 (megabytes) SAVE.
Go back to the first tab and Click SAVE and STAY... Wait, and now upload is succesfull.

Go back to your php settings in direct admin, and set this to current 7.0 version, SAVE your module set.
You can set back in orginal settings the prestashop backend upload settiings, but' its not nessescsy.

Works in 1.6 en 1.7 PRestashop.
Go to for hide your files url path like mp4 video in source code! And in browser address.
19 Points

2017-04-24 1:20 pm EST

2017-04-24 1:20 pm EST
It;s not diffiuclt.

If you CANNOT edit php.ini or htacces I've this tips: You must acces Direct Admin Account. Make 3 browser tabs

1 First open your product (vritual product) in a browswer tab
2 Open you Direct admin in antoher tab of your browser
3 Open you preferences in PRestashop backoffice, by the upload size settings.

Al those Three tabs must open.

Go to your first tab first Ad your uppload virtual product (BUT NOT SAVE)
Go to Direct admin, and settings set on php module version: NATIVE and SAVE
Go to third tab and change te prestahop backend upload size to 600 (megabytes) SAVE.
Go back to the first tab and Click SAVE and STAY... Wait, and now upload is succesfull.

Go back to your php settings in direct admin, and set this to current 7.0 version, SAVE your module set.
You can set back in orginal settings the prestashop backend upload settiings, but' its not nessescsy.

Works in 1.6 en 1.7 PRestashop.
Go to for hide your files url path like mp4 video in source code! And in browser address.

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