How to use free shipping

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-01-13 12:42 am EST
In prestashop version, "i think" however, when I go to [cart rules] to set up free shipping for certain products, I check the categories that qualify , then I select the free shipping products that qualify for free shipping, and along with other settings in the cart rules, then I click save. I have re-configured these cart rules and my ups accnt many different ways and still whenever I do a test purchase, the cart rule giving free shipping "overrides" all other shipping charges for products in the same cart, that don't qualify for free shipping. if I remove the product that qualifies for free ship, then the normal shipping charges re-appear. if just [1] actual free ship product is in the shopping cart, then all products get free shipping and that's not what I want. can you advise???? kennyjames

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12,339 Points
2017-01-13 1:37 am EST
Hello Kenny James,

Thank you for your question regarding issues with free shipping in PrestaShop. Here is a helpful link to the official PrestaShop documentation on Shipping Preferences. It includes information on the free shipping options.

We always recommend enabling error reporting in PrestaShop when troubleshooting problems.

When we test your site, it is just coming up as coming soon. Can you make the site live, or provide a link to the site in question, so we can test/replicate the problem?

Thank you,

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