PrestaShop upgrade problem

Asked by:
dtpdllc3 / 5 Points
2013-09-01 4:51 pm EST
Hi, I'm still in the learning stages of all this wed building stuff. I have been doing data entry into Prestashop, when there was a notice that an upgrade/update was available. So I went to cpanel, Softalicious and clicked the notice link. First, I did a back up of my site as it was before the upgrade. Then I proceeded with the update through Softalicious. Everything seemed fine. I clicked on the link in Softalicious to my site and it pulled up my storefront. When I tried to go back to the back store to continue with the data entry work that I was doing, it gave me the following error:

Discount Trailer Parts Direct
For security reasons, you cannot connect to the Back Office until after you have:

deleted the /install folder
Please then access this page by the new URL (e.g.

Now I'm stuck and can't get back to work. What do I need to do?

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12,339 Points
2013-09-02 3:55 pm EST
Hello dtpdllc3,

Thank you for your question. Just like the error states, PrestaShop wants you to delete the /install folder, as a security measure.

It should be in the root folder you installed PrestaShop in, which is often public_html.

You can accomplish this by using the File Manager in cPanel, or via FTP.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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how to correct this error prestashop,
For security reasons, you cannot connect to the Back Office until after you have
deleted the /install folder
Please then access this page by the new URL
(e.g. http://localhost/shop/prestashop/admin3286/)

When I use localhost apache2 server
3 Points

2014-01-22 7:15 pm EST
Hello lhackg,

This error occurs, because after installing prestashop from the /install folder, it requires you to delete the /install folder before you can successfully Login to the Prestashop Admin Panel.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,

12,339 Points
2014-01-22 9:12 pm EST
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