I purchased a new theme for PrestaShop and I don't know how to install it. How do I set it up?

Asked by:
MTPockets / 54 Points
2013-08-03 2:55 am EST

(Original text of question)
This is all new to me. I have installed PrestaShop through the web host I am with and spent a day trying to find the login page. Got that and purchased a new theme. I have now spent half the day trying to get the theme installed. Can anyone explain where...
(How do you install the theme into Prestashop?)

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Hi Arnel. I have followed these steps and after I activated it in the back office it seemed to work. I had an image of the new theme on the bottom of the page but when I clicked on it I got an icon on the lower part of the page like a broken link and the image was gone. I am starting to think the problem is with a second zip file included with the theme. It is secured with a password and when I upload it I am not given the chance to input the password. I have unzipped it on my home computer and uploaded it but it doesn't seem to work. I also received several other files and folders in the purchased theme. Should I be uploading everything?
54 Points
2013-08-03 07:59 pm EST



17,314 Points
2013-08-03 3:16 am EST
Hello MTPockets,

Sorry to hear about your frustrations with the PrestaShop login and themes issues. We actually do have a tutorial for loading and activating a new theme for PrestaShop. I'll summarize it before linking the articles for you.

  1. You need to get the theme file from the vendor (since you purchased a theme)

  2. You need to Upload the compressed file (a zip file) to the THEMES folder within your Prestashop installation

  3. Then you will need to extract the contents of the zipped theme file to that same folder

  4. Once you have the new theme folder uncompressed,you will be able to choose the theme within Prestashop

  5. In Prestashop, you would go to the PREFERENCES menu, and select THEMES

  6. Click on Add new theme, and give the new theme a name

  7. In the second field, you need to choose the folder of the theme you extracted

  8. You should then be able to select the the new theme!

These steps are explained in detail in the following articles:

If you are unfamiliar with working with files using cPanel's File manager, then you may want to review using the cPanel File Manager and Extracting/Compressing files in the cPanel File Manager.

That should hopefully provide all the information you need to know on loading up a new theme and the using it within PrestaShop 1.5x. If you need further assistance, please provide more information on the issue you're facing and we would be happy to help.

Kindest Regards,
Arnel C.

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Hello MTPockets,

Sorry for the headaches with getting the theme to work! Yes, you should be uploading everything that's compressed in that zip file. It's easier if you upload it and then unzip it on the server. If you unzip it on your home computer, then it's best to use a FTP client so that you can move ALL of the files and folders. Trying to upload the files and folders with the file manager would take a long time because you have to select the folders and then upload each file that goes in them. Save yourself the frustration and either extract the zip file as per the instructions listed above (extract the file on the server with the cPanel file manager), or uncompress the file on your computer and then use an FTP client to move the files and folders to the server. FYI - if you unzip the file on your computer, make sure to uncompress it in a blank/new folder so that you know what files and folders were in the zipped file.

I hope this helps to clarify the issue. Please let us know if you still require any further assistance.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-08-05 7:31 pm EST
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