Add Google Adsense to website in Premium Website Builder

Asked by:
susanl / 21 Points
2011-09-16 4:30 pm EST
Would I need to delete my shipping options in sitebuilder for the paypal options to take over?

Also, can you tell me what type of cart I have with the sitebuilder (Zen or Cube)?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


173 Points
2011-09-16 4:49 pm EST
Hello susanl,

Thank you for posting a question. I'm sorry you are having issues with your e-shop in Premium Web Builder. I'm more than happy to assist you today.

Paypal is separate from shipping options, as PayPal is a method for your customers to pay for their purchases. You still will have the shipping options such as FedEx, UPS, or US mail.

As for your next question, your shopping cart in Premium Web Builder is neither. The e-shop included is a standalone shopping cart and not related to any other third party e-commerce solution such as ZenCart or CubCart.

If you have further questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact us. I hope my explanations help!

Thank you!

Tim S.

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