Can I increase the font size in a script in the Premium Website Buider?

Asked by:
Steelsurgeon / 8 Points
2012-07-28 9:40 am EST
<p>I uploaded a MP3 file on a web page, the font on the page that the script leaves appears to be about a 4 Is there any easy way to increase the size of this font?</p>

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16,266 Points
2012-07-30 4:20 pm EST
Hello Steelsurgeon,

Yes, you can increase the font size for the text. As you are using the script module to add the embed code, you will simply need a font tag to surround the text for the link.

For example, change the code:

<a href="/help/11-22-09PM; Agape.mp3">Agapa</a> to

<a href="/help/11-22-09PM; Agape.mp3"><font size="5">Agapa</font></a>>

The size ="5" portion will enable you to manipulate the font size to the your specification.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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