Can readers subscribe to my blog?

Asked by:
samanthajw / 5 Points
2012-08-30 3:31 pm EST
I have created my site using the Premium Web Builder. I would like for people to be able to subscribe to my blog, but I don't see a way to set that up. Also, I found the directions for putting a Facebook "like" button on a page, but can I do it for individual blog entries?

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16,266 Points
2012-08-30 4:21 pm EST
Hello samanthajw,

The builder blog is not very feature rich, it is quite basic. It does not have a subscribe feature, nor can you insert the facebook like code in individual posts. I do recommend checking out the WordPress program. You can install that via the Fantastico tool and can use it in conjunction with your builder. You will want to install it into a subdirectory (maybe a folder named 'blog').

It is a very powerful program and can even be used for entire websites. As it was originally a blog program, it is very good at doing that.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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