How can I add a follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest link to our home page

Asked by:
cwassell / 10 Points
2012-07-31 12:39 am EST
Can these links be added before the site is published? Can it be done without HTML?

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17,314 Points
2012-07-31 4:58 am EST
Hello Cwassell,

The only information that I see on your account is that you have setup Builder, so I am only guessing that you are perhaps using the Builder to create your current site. And it is in Builder that you're trying add the Twitter, Facebook and Pinterst links.

How to add FB or Twitter in Builder

Pinterest is relatively new, but you will need to add it the same as you're adding the others. I checked my own Pinterest account, and under ABOUT in Pinterest you will see a PIN IT BUTTON option. You can use the SCRIPT module option to add the code. Otherwise, the only other way to add the HTML code would be to directly edit the page in a text editor.

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Arnel C.

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