Transparent area in logo turns black

Asked by:
jaygee / 41 Points
2013-01-01 2:54 am EST
In Premium Website Builder every image file with a transparent area uploaded as a 'logo' in 'Step 2 - Design' results in the transparent area becoming black. I believe I've tried both gif and png files. Can anyone explain this?

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3,713 Points
2013-01-01 4:00 am EST
Hello jaygee, and thanks for your question.

It almost sounds like the particular .gif or .png images that you're trying to use haven't been properly saved to allow for the use of transparency.

Is it possible for you to share this logo that you're attempting to use with us? You can send it to ( with the subject "Transparent area in logo turns black". Once you've sent the image in, please comment below and we'll look further into this for you.

Please let us know if you had any further questions.

- Jacob

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