Website Builder Image Gallery seems to have layout problem

Asked by:
jaygee / 41 Points
2013-01-01 3:41 am EST
When I choose a category it brings up the page of thumbnails with filenames below each image. The frames for these thumbnail/filename seem to be oversized; the filenames are obscured unless the thumbnnail is in the bottom row; there also appears to be an obscured text box under the bottom row of thumbnails. Can someone explain?

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3,713 Points
2013-01-01 4:35 am EST
Hello jaygee, and thank you for your question.

It sounds like you need to resize your Image Gallery settings. Please take a look at our guide on how to change the look and feel of the image gallery. Hopefully the Changing the Appearance of your Images section in that article is exactly what you're talking about.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

- Jacob

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