Can I transfer my domain if it's expiring soon?

Asked by:
akmina / 8 Points
2012-03-14 12:00 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
If I have to wait until my domain name expires, how long will I have to wait before reclaiming it? I don't want to create a new domain name. Thanks!

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13,688 Points
2012-03-14 12:22 am EST
Hello akmina,

We're sorry to hear you wish to cancel your hosting with us. Were you having any issues with the hosting? Is there something we can help you with?

Without knowing the domain name or when it expires, it's difficult to provide specific information regarding your domain name. What I can advise is that you do not have to transfer the domain to point the Nameservers. You can point your domain to your new Nameservers through AMP. When you say expiring soon, how soon does the domain expire? If it's less than two weeks, I would advise at least renewing the domain before initiating a transfer, as that process can take up to ten days to complete.

If you have enough time left before your domain expires, you can request that your domain management rights be released so you can transfer your domain.

We do not recommend that you let your domain expire. If you let your domain expire, it can be quite some time (approximately 100 days) before that domain passes through the redemption waiting period and becomes available to be registered as a new domain name again. You also run the risk of someone else registering the domain once it's available to the world to be registered.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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