Still awaiting confirmation for domain

Asked by:
akdemont / 5 Points
2013-12-13 9:11 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
Hi everybody,
I have registered a new domain by Hub and got a confirmation email, i.e. your account is in the review process. That was 5 h ago, at noon (UK time) and since not a single sign of life. Therefore, I cannot proceed further.
What I am supposed to do? May I have done something wrong?
Thanks in advance.

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17,314 Points
2013-12-13 9:35 pm EST
Hello Akdemont,

Thank you for the question! I walked over to the confirmations department and alerted them to your query and your urgency. They will be confirming the account as soon as possible. Pardon the delay, but the department has simply been very busy today. You are always welcome to contact our live technical support department to confirm over the phone. Use our How to contact the support article if you wish to see the different ways to contact us for help.

Arnel C.

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