Domain Transfer Error: Oops... There was an error with your request

Asked by:
charlieclouse / 8 Points
2012-03-12 2:47 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
I tried to submit a request for a domain transfer. The domain is unlocked and I typed in the correct registry key. However, after I check "I agree" and click Submit on the Order Services page, I always get the same message: "Oops...there was an error with your request," with no further information provided. Why am I getting this error?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2012-03-12 4:43 pm EST
Hi charlieclouse,

I'm very sorry to hear of this error message you're receiving in AMP when trying to transfer a domain name. To troubleshoot this issue further, we'll need to run some additional tests on our end. If you would, please email the domain name and registry key to Let us know if you were interested in getting domain privacy or not as well. After you do, please post a comment at the bottom of this page and let us know you have sent in the email. I'll forward this information to our Development Team so they can run some additional tests and get this issue sorted out.

I apologize for any frustration this may be causing, and we should be able to get this sorted out for you shortly.

- Brad

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