Domain Transfer Failed Submission

Asked by:
Robvp / 11 Points
2012-09-19 12:57 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
Hello, Trying to transfer domain from godaddy and I keep getting the email:
(Failed domain xfer for, you will need to contact your registrar and confirm the authorization code before continuing. Please click the following URL to re-submit this transfer.)

Its been weeks and i have contacted godaddy twice to check in on it for me and re try the auth code. I dont know what the problem could be but godaddy says contact webhostinghub and webhostinghub says contacy godaddy

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17,314 Points
2012-09-19 2:06 am EST
Hello Robvp,

I just investigated this issue and spoke to the manager here as well. We are actually re-sellers for the domain registrar Melbourne IT, so when you transfer the domain, it's actually being managed by Melbourne IT. I ran a report from 8-29 (date of the first try to transfer the domain) through today and there is NO indication of an attempt to accept the domain. This usually indicates that the transfer code is not valid. Per the Manager, he requested that I try a manual transfer, but it again fails with the error message specifically saying that the transfer code your provided is not correct. Unfortunately, you may need to obtain a new code from GoDaddy. If you could please call back to GoDaddy and explain that we've been trying to transfer with that code and it keeps failing. It's very possible that it is incorrect or they may need to generate another. When you get the new code, email - this will automatically create a service ticket for you and it would be actively tracked instead of waiting on action from one of the registrars. I appreciate your patience and apologize for the frustration of trying to get this done. Once we can obtain a valid code, then the transfer can be successfully processed.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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