Domain transfers paid for by PayPal

Asked by:
RPS092112 / 20 Points
2013-04-29 8:08 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
I am transferring a couple of domains and have jumped through the hoops to pay for them with PayPal. I received a message last Wednesday the payment had been applied:
I have applied the PayPal payment to your account. Our Support department is currently experiencing a high ticket volume. Please allow some time for them to respond regarding the domain transfer.

When I tried today (Sunday) to transfer them in the AMP it is asking for credit card info.

How can I transfer these domains since I have been charged for them?

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16,266 Points
2013-04-29 5:26 pm EST
Hello RPS092112,

Transferring domains by PayPal means that our Support team will need to add them to your AMP account manually. This is done by the ticketing system since it is not a normal procedure. They will, however, get that done for you.

Please do not attempt to transfer them via the AMP tool, as that will charge you again.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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