Error Message: The registry key for your domain was not able to be retrieved

Asked by:
Alana Naylor / 5 Points
2012-01-23 4:18 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
I followed the steps I found in your support section to obtain the Authorisation code for my domain name; that is, I went to and entered my domain name into the field provided. However, I received a 'Retrieval Failed' message, telling me 'The Registry Key for Domain Name was not able to be retrieved. This could be due to the Domain Name being managed by a Melbourne IT Reseller.' Following this I was really unsure what to do.

With this in mind, are you able to provide step by step instructions to transfer my domain name?


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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2012-01-23 7:16 pm EST
Hi Alana,

I'm sorry to hear you're moving a domain name away from Web Hosting Hub, however I'm more than happy to help with this issue.

Based upon this error:
This could be due to the Domain Name being managed by a Melbourne IT Reseller.

... it sounds that the domain name has not yet been released from our control. What you will need to do is contact our Support Department and request that they release the management rights for your domain name. Once they have done this, you will have complete control of the domain name and will be able to manage your domain name.

I hope this helps! Please keep us updated if you run into any further issues.

- Brad

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