I tried to transfer a domain from another registrar to webhostinghub.com, but it says the domain is expired (it is not expired)

Asked by:
ToddBradley / 10 Points
2012-08-28 4:52 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
I'm trying to transfer three domain names to webhostinghub.com, but when I do, the web page gives me this error:

Domain is expired and must be renewed with the current registrar before transferring

However, none of the domains is expired. I checked with WHOIS and all three are clearly current and valid. What should I do?

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16,266 Points
2012-08-28 5:02 pm EST
Hello ToddBradley,

I do apologize, that should not happen as long as the domain name is valid or has longer than 14 days left until expiration. We can have our Support team do it manually for you.

To do so, you would need to email the domains and the authorization codes for each to support@webhostinghub.com. They can take care of it for you. Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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